Spanish Court Art

Apariencia y ser del honor en la España del siglo XVII. En torno al retrato del duque de Pastrana.

Portraits / Baroque Art and Literature / Portraiture / Nobility / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Baroque art and architecture / Imagen visual en el Barroco / Aristocracy / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Nobiltà / Juan Carreño de Miranda / Retrato / Pintura Barroca Española / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY / Spanish Court Art / Duques Del Infantado / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Spanish Aristocracy / Spanish Fashion in Europe, XVI-XVIIth c. / Duque De Pastrana / Baroque art and architecture / Imagen visual en el Barroco / Aristocracy / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Nobiltà / Juan Carreño de Miranda / Retrato / Pintura Barroca Española / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY / Spanish Court Art / Duques Del Infantado / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Spanish Aristocracy / Spanish Fashion in Europe, XVI-XVIIth c. / Duque De Pastrana

\"La recepción del Greco en la corte de Felipe II\", en Actas del Congreso Internacional \"El Greco\", dirigido por Fernando Marías, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, mayo 2014, pp. 80-89

History of Collections / Italian Renaissance Art / Collecting and Collections / Patronage and collecting / El Escorial / Artistic relations between Italy and Spain / El Greco / Philip II of Spain / Spanish Court Art / Artistic relations between Italy and Spain / El Greco / Philip II of Spain / Spanish Court Art

PALACIOS MÉNDEZ, Laura María, El Arco de Sebastián Ramírez de Fuenleal, una obra de Étienne Jamet (1546-1550), Diputación de Cuenca, Cuenca, 2015.

Iconography / Renaissance History / Early Modern History / Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Renaissance Philosophy / Renaissance Art / Spanish History / Early Modern Europe / History of Art / Christian Iconography / Iconology / Spanish Art / Charles V / Early modern Spain / Iconography and Iconology / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Medieval and modern spanish art / Art in the Portuguese and Spanish Empires / Emperor Charles V / Spanish Court Art / Renaissance Philosophy / Renaissance Art / Spanish History / Early Modern Europe / History of Art / Christian Iconography / Iconology / Spanish Art / Charles V / Early modern Spain / Iconography and Iconology / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Medieval and modern spanish art / Art in the Portuguese and Spanish Empires / Emperor Charles V / Spanish Court Art

Magnificencia y poder en los festejos caballerescos de la primera mitad del siglo XVI

Habsburg Studies / Charles V / Renaissance Festivals / Court Festival / Philip II of Spain / Renaissance Jousting and Tournaments / Spanish Court Art / Renaissance Jousting and Tournaments / Spanish Court Art

Juan II de Aragón y las artes suntuarias

Medieval jewellery / Fernando el Católico / Juan II (Aragón) / Spanish Court Art / Dinastía Trastámara / Ferdinand II of Aragon

\"La trastienda de genio: Velázquez y su familia en la década de 1640\", Archivo Español de Arte, 283 (1998), pp. 289-298.

Spanish painting / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Diego Velazquez / Spanish Court Art / Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo

El final del Siglo de oro. La pintura en Madrid en el cambio dinástico (1685-1726), Madrid, CSIC - Coll & Cortés, 2015.

Baroque art and architecture / Spanish painting / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Claudio Coello / Antonio Palomino / Baroque painting / Spanish Court Art / Baroque painting / Spanish Court Art

\"Pintura y letras: Hernando de Ávila, su biblioteca y su herencia\", Anuario del Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte, 9 (1999), pp. 145-168.

Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Toledo / Renaissance Painting / Spanish Court Art / Hernando de Ávila / Spanish Monarchy Image

Velázquez Digital

Velazquez / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Diego Velazquez / Spanish Court Art / Documental databases

“De reyes, embajadores, pintores y un enano: John Closterman en la corte de Carlos II”, en J.L. Colomer (dir.), Arte y Diplomacia de la Monarquía Hispánica en el siglo XVII, Madrid, Fernando Villaverde Ediciones, 2003, pp. 193-205.

Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Francisco Rizi / Luca Giordano / Spanish Court Art / Charles II of Spain / Carlos II (1665-1700) / British painting / Mariana de Neoburgo / John Closterman / Carlos II (1665-1700) / British painting / Mariana de Neoburgo / John Closterman

“Publicando todo majestad, ingenio y grandeza: Velázquez y el programa decorativo del Salón de los Espejos”, Actas del Symposium Internacional Velázquez, Sevilla, 8-11 noviembre 1999, Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía, 2004, pp. 155-166.

Italian Baroque art / Baroque Wall Painting (Quadratura) / Mural painting / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Diego Velazquez / Spanish Court Art / Angelo Michele Colonna / Agostino Mitelli / Philip IV of Spain / Spanish Court Art / Angelo Michele Colonna / Agostino Mitelli / Philip IV of Spain

[2017] Sobre redes y distancias en la Edad Moderna. Arte y cultura entre España e Hispanoamérica

Latin American Studies / Colonial Latin American Art- Mexico and Peru / Patronage and collecting / Spanish Court Art / Viceregal Government

[2016] Velázquez y la \'inventio\' mimética

Aristotle / Physiognomy / Paragone / Naturalism / Albrecht Dürer / Pliny the Elder / Still Life / Caravaggio / Peter Paul Rubens / Diego Velazquez / Baltasar Gracián / Della Porta Giambattista / Vicente Carducho / Antonio Palomino / Gian Paolo Lomazzo / Giulio Mancini / Spanish Court Art / Ancient Rhetoric and Poetics / Francisco Pacheco / Pliny the Elder / Still Life / Caravaggio / Peter Paul Rubens / Diego Velazquez / Baltasar Gracián / Della Porta Giambattista / Vicente Carducho / Antonio Palomino / Gian Paolo Lomazzo / Giulio Mancini / Spanish Court Art / Ancient Rhetoric and Poetics / Francisco Pacheco
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